This is Sister Science
In order to share what Sister Science is, Jill asked Chelsey Beda to interview her. Together we answer the questions:
What is Sister Science?
- How can we hold Sister Science in the same regard as our equal opposite Mr. Science. The linear, masculine, currently taxed energy system, that is held in high regard, needs the softness and flow of the Yin, Feminine energy that can help hold it together.
- How healing works on the Sister Science side of things compared to the Mr. Science side of things.
- See how Sister Science is for Men too.
- Understand how Jill relies on Yoga and Ayurveda together for this way of getting YOU in touch with YOUR needs, choices, and intuitive healing.
- In situations where logic and intuition conflict, we feel which one to follow? Love vs Fear, Open releasing exhale vs pinched restricted breath. Your body knows what your answers are.
- Jill tells her healing journey story and how you can connect to yours.
Thank you to Chelsey Beda for being our interviewer today. Hear Chelsey's own powerful healing story in an upcoming episode. It is a must listen.
Join us at to start your own powerful healing journey. The Year of YOU is our signature year-long self discovery course, or book a call to bite off just one small first step. You can reach [email protected] with questions, comments, and to share your own healing journey. Perhaps you are our next guest!
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