Understanding VATA: Ayurvedic Insights with Hannah Levin

You know when someone else says the same thing you do, but somehow they say it better? That's always how I feel when Hannah and I sit down to talk.

Hannah Elizabeth Levin is the founder of Heartfelt Wellbeing in Virginia. She is an Ayurveda Practitioner, yoga teacher, and artist, who also holds a master's degree in teaching. Her mission is to alleviate unnecessary suffering in the world. Hannah expertly guides women to regain their optimal health and wellbeing through her online coaching programs and retreats.

The conversation Hannah and I have today revolves around VATA, a term used to describe a set of qualities that can define a person's constitution, the climate during the winter season, and even the stage of life post-menopause. VATA embodies air and ether qualities; they govern movement, and when they become aggravated, we feel specific impacts.

Today, we:

  • The qualities of Vata
  • How Vata manifests in a person
  • What symptoms indicate that Vata is aggravating you
  • Vata's effects on appetite, digestion, and elimination
  • Vata's impact on circulation, body temperature, and dryness
  • What diseases are considered Vata
  • Key remedies to pacify these symptoms when they bother you.

Top Recommendations: Oiling, hydration, warm cooked nourishing food, set meal times, keeping the body warm, and movement.



Tongue Scraping Interview:

Caring for your Five Sense:


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