Unlock Your Healing Powers with 'Know YOU to Heal YOU'

Tried self-help books and felt more lost? They lack personalization. Pre-sign up for tailored healing and early access.


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You have to Know YOU if you want to Heal YOU.

I often ask clients, "What do you think?" after they share what doctors and specialists have said. This question usually surprises them, but it’s crucial. Once they reflect, they reveal specific insights about their challenges, stressors, and feelings of overwhelm. These reflections uncover underlying beliefs and patterns that might be affecting their well-being.

Your body’s signals are key to understanding what needs to change. While outside experts can guide you, true healing comes from listening to your own intuitive wisdom. Learn to understand yourself and gain tools to address the symptoms that signal imbalance. Take charge of your health by trusting your own insights and responses.

I am ready, I need to learn to trust my own wisdom

The Know YOU to Heal YOU course is a 10 Module Step by Step outline of Ayurveda and Yoga’s Key Teachings of Health and Vitality

This course is for people who:

  • Know that what is wrong is not just physical.
  • Feel that something else needs to be acknowledged so that healing can happen.
  • Are ready to take radical responsibility for daily choices.
  • Want to tune into intuition and personal truth to guide decisions and life direction.
  • Are only getting band aid solutions and being told “we don’t know” why this is happening from current outside experts.
  • Are ready to stop reacting to life, to stop chasing the “fix all” solution that will solve things and instead develop proactive personalized practices that allow you to respond to your day with integrity. 

The Modules

Access Module 1 for $29

The Modules

Access Module 1 for $29

Module 1 invites you to get clear about your own constitution.

The ways you operate in the world, the things that are easy or hard for you, your default patterns and what you master with ease. 

Ayurveda calls this your Prakruti - is is the gene code you came to this earth with, your divine design that holds the instruction manual to your personal operating system. Know this and you can respond to imbalances well, cultivate skills in areas where you don’t naturally excel, and capitalize on areas where you’re naturally proficient.

You will feel...

A recognition of truth, your body acknowledging that you already know this about yourself, this is just giving your knowledge new vocabulary and context.

An acceptance and understanding of yourself that is (FINALLY) non-judgmental.

A new perspective on how you listen to cues from your body and choose your response to them.

A personal connection to your body, mind, spirit that puts all your faculties on the same team, working together to make life great.

My Name is Jill Novak

I am an Ayurveda Health Counsellor, Yoga Therapist, and Wellness Educator. For the last 14 years I have been teaching people how to use Yoga and Ayurveda to heal, grow and create the lives that they want. 

Ayurveda is the oldest Health Care system in the world. Unlike the current system which often feels like Sick Care, Ayurveda asks us to take full responsibility for our health with preventative daily actions that serve to balance, nourish, cleanse and heal our body, mind, and soul on a regular basis. 

As we learn to apply Ayurveda we embark on a healing journey that gives us back our power, passion, and fulfillment.

I invite you to join me for this 10 Module Course.  

Yes I want to join the Know YOU to Heal YOU Course

In Ayurveda the definition of health is not just the absence of disease.  The smallest of symptoms are opportunities, guiding us to a new course of action, signaling that something different is desired in your body. 

Ayurveda begins preventative measures at the very beginning of the dis-ease trajectory and well before Western Medicine could offer a diagnosis of a specific disease. 

This course will: 

  • guide you into a deeper understanding of yourself
  • offer you a toolbox of simple daily practices that you can apply free, with just a little time and effort
  • create habit experiments to discern what life hacks have the biggest and best impact in your daily sense of  wellbeing
  • access a new way of thinking that connects your personal power, innate wisdom, and intuition to all your decision making.
You will... 
  • Know yourself
  • Know how you go out of balance most easily
  • Learn how Circadian Rhythm works
  • Get Clear on why you need different habits in July than January, How seasonal shifts are important to follow
  • Get your Keystone Habit, and use it to anchor you.
  • Understand HOW to eat, not just what to eat
  • Practice meditation in a non-intimidating, supportive way
  • Use Natural Oil instead of drug store products on your skin and apply “religiously” to your skin.
  • Take care of your senses with compassion
  • Orient your life away from stress, and toward ease. No longer chasing the dopamine hits that our additions offer 



1st Module ONLY 

  • I need to know my Constitution.
  • I have done Dosha Tests before but want to get the bigger picture.
I would like to start here and see how Jill’s way of teaching feels for me


10 Modules (Complete)


  • Live Zoom call for each week at 7pm on Wednesday evenings *there will be two weeks where the call is rescheduled to a new time. 
  • Calls are recorded and uploaded to your course site, where all materials are available to you. 
I need to shift something in my life