Year of Expansion
We explore Yoga Philosophy and Emotional Intelligence in small group, year long, book study.
This course allows you to explore the underlying beliefs and patterns that shape your life. In your inquiry you find choice and opportunity. It is designed to create awareness around default behaviours and actions and deep inner wisdom that knows a different way.
Discover the power of self-reflection, community support, and collective wisdom. The Year of Expansion invites you to step into the unfamiliar, break free from limiting beliefs, and foster a deep connection with yourself and others.

A Year Long Study. 40 Weeks over the Year.

10 people max in each cohort

Weekly Meditation to ground the group

Round Table offering each person a set sacred time to share their voice

Practice of active listening, no interruption during round table.

Open conversation and final Ah-Ha realization to close each week's call.
Fall Enrollment
The Yamas and Niyamas: Exploring Yoga’s Ethical Practices, an in-depth study of the core tenets of Yoga philosophy providing a spiritual guide to the practice of yoga.
The Yamas, translates to "restraints" encompass nonviolence, truthfulness, not stealing, nonexcess, and nonpossessiveness
The Niyamas, or observances are purity, contentment, self-discipline, self-study, and surrender.
Weekly inquiry questions allow us to see how we are in relationship to each tenant and re align our belief systems and patterns.
Atlas of the Heart:
This full year explores 88 emotions outlined in Brene Brown's newest book. It allows us to expand our working vocabulary, felt experience, and way to understand ourselves through emotion.
Those on the waitlist will be contacted individually to connect to the appropriate small group cohort. Each book study will be offered at specific weekly times, and we will connect you to the one that works best in your schedule.
The current options are: Wednesday Noon or 5:30pm. And Tuesday 8am, 9am, or 10am. The group consensus will decide
Course Starts Late September
Our world teaches us to push through pain, rush from one thing to the next, and “fight” against dis-ease in our body. We numb the messages our body is sending us with pills from our doctor and endless scrolling on our couch.
We don’t know “what is wrong with me”, so we seek external helps, taught that experts are the only place answers can be found. Those experts are getting both harder to find and less efficient at helping us.
It's easy to feel disconnected and overwhelmed.

The Year of Expansion points our attention inward. Within you is a vast and wise intelligence that has the ability to guide you forward to health. It will not be fighting against yourself. It will be in cooperation with yourself, the deep knowledgeable side of yourself that always has you best interest at heart, that knows you are not a statistic, a problem to be solved, but a divine creature here with a bigger purpose to offer the world.
For 40 weeks during our annual cycle, we read and reflect on one philosophical question per week, bringing our experience to the group where we practice sharing our lived truth in a safe, confidential environment.
Following our Rules for Dynamic Groups we learn to trust our own inner wisdom, notice the voice that takes up the most air time in our lives, and get a collective reflection that shines light on the human experience.
GET STARTEDAre you jumping ahead?
Sometimes we want to skip the first step, and sometimes we can. The Year of YOU ensures that you have the physical habits and routines to reliably bring yourself back into balance as our world constantly tips us out of balance. It is highly recommended to build capacity and ability so that as you dive into this more contemplative practice, your practical day to day tool box is available and ready.
Is this the step you should be taking? Click HERE to see the Year of YOU page.
Or are you confident that your daily routines and rituals are supporting your physical and mental health well already?
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Real Transformations

Blowing my mind. Shining a light on looking at and feeling things differently than before.

Jill’s course takes the opportunities for understanding and growth from this book to a whole new level. Having the opportunity to explore and share connections within her group is nothing short of amazing. There are so many ah-ha’s, laughs and even a few tears. I feel so grateful to be a part of it.

A reminder that I am not my emotions, they are a part of the human experience. Defining them means connecting to others and not being stuck.