Who is the Year of YOU for?


You are ready to declare a Year of YOU if you have are ready to prioritize yourself for the first time in a long time. If you can feel that there must be a different way to navigate life. If you are ready to get out of the unsatisfying exhaustion loop and take care of yourself. If you are ready to let your deeper life purpose rise up.



Year of YOU 


You are ready to declare a Year of YOU if you have are ready to prioritize yourself for the first time in a long time. If you can feel that there must be a different way to navigate life. If you are ready to get out of the unsatisfying exhaustion loop and take care of yourself. If you are ready to let your deeper life purpose rise up.


What is the

Year of YOU?

This is an online coaching course that uses the philosophy of Yoga and Ayurveda to guide us toward joy and ease in life. These ancient principles taught alongside modern behavioral science allow you to sync into daily routines and self-care practices that connect you to your highest self. Your own decision-making gets stronger and clearer as you trust your self more each day.

The Year of YOU is a paradigm shift away from the “No Pain No Gain” mentality to the idea that slow steady evolution reaps sustainable rewards. We practice small habit changes that course correct to your desired path with simple daily choices. No huge upheaval of life or commitment to intense rules.


What makes

The Year of YOU 


Simply Daily Practices

When you do something long enough it becomes a habit, these automated actions define the direction of your day and your life. We ensure that you are doing the right actions daily to design the life you want.

Holistic Embodiment of Health

Ayurveda ensures we manage nourishment, sleep, and energy with skill. You stop treating symptoms with band-aid solutions and support good change at a deeper level.

Align With Your Life Purpose

The underlying reason for all of this is to connect you to that deeper reason for being. You learn, work and live with elevated awareness.

In this day and age the majority of us are overworked, and overstressed. The year of you is the perfect gift to get you back in touch with your circadian rhythm by using the framework of Ayurveda. This is not a one size fits all program. Jill is a gifted leader, who takes a practical approach at guiding participants on how to customize each weekly growth habit to suit one’s needs and personal goals.

Personally, I dislike all rigid programs. The YOY focuses on making slow, measurable change that occurs over time. 

Jill takes a compassionate approach works well at adapting the ‘all or nothing’ mindset most of us have to one of slow and steady wins the race.

The best part for me, in being re-aligned with my natural rhythms, is that it has made me feel self empowered to do anything I set my mind to. With steady, small and actionable steps; this past year I was able to complete a dreamof mine: hiking the Pacific Crest Trail. This was a big deal for me, considering I’ve spent a long time in the past feeling stuck and in a rut! The community and support of the weekly calls is a key piece of the success of the program. In the sharing of our trials and triumphs of the week it reminds us that we are not alone, that we are all human, and we are stronger together. I highly recommend this program if you are looking to shed unhealthy patterns and develop new ways of operating that honour you and your highest self!



Discover your Keystone Habit


You deserve to live your life purpose.


Nature has rules, they are universal and apply to all of us, they can not be escaped. When we follow these rules, we create daily routines that enrich our day, and fuel our life. We automate the habits that align with nature’s rhythm. This is Ayurveda, the circadian clock of the universe, drawing out the unlived, passionate life within you. Yoga calls this life your Dharma, life purpose.



Learn More About The Year of YOU

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Here is How it Works

Change happens when you do. So we start small, integrating 10 key habits, chosen for their ability to give you the biggest bang for your buck. Refining and automating these habits over the course of 4 seasons we learn what is holding us back as we uncover the outdated beliefs and patterns that resist the new change. Each week you are guided to a video lesson and journal reflection in the course hub. This accompanied by a live call with the community supports the new patterns you are creating. Each season has 11 live calls, and as you progress, embodying the concepts in a deeper way each time, you shift underlying beliefs and patterns that no longer serve you. Growing into greater self-awareness, and connection to mind, body, and spirit.

This includes: 

  • Weekly guided lessons to support your growth in each habit, each season.
  • Access to Members Resource Hub for 12 months with over 70 video lessons
  • 44 Live Group Calls all recorded and available at your convenience
  • 80-page downloadable workbook
  • Ayurveda Consultation to determine your constitution
  • Individual Laser Coaching Sessions each quarter
  • Personalized health and wellness goal setting session
  • Discounts on all other Jill Novak Yoga Workshops, Cleanses, and Retreats.

The support of this Wellness community takes our program to a whole new level. Your ability to get results starts as soon as you do. Our ability to customize for your unique issues gives us a specific and accurate starting point. Our ability to follow and support you for a whole year makes your results more powerful and sustainable. You learn to trust your inner wisdom, and this team will back up your knowing, helping you supercharge your trust in yourself. 




For 12 months


One-Time Payment


Valid for 1 year

$5000 is the top price for this course. If you choose to pay this, some of your tuition will go to provide funding to someone who doesn't have the funds. Sliding scale pricing options are available for this course. 

The year of you program is truly about self care.  Not in the way that we may think of bubble baths, a delicious fancy coffee, and a day to sleep in (although not necessarily NOT those things either).  In the first year you experiment with what makes you feel the best, the most well rested, the most nourished…. You play and experiment with simple habits to understand what you need to be the best version of you.  
But the magic lies in the group, the community and what happens next.  Meeting with other like minded people weekly provides this safe place to grow, supported and encouraged.  Opportunities to learn new things, to connect with others and something bigger than ourselves.  Jill has created an incubator for connection, relationships, and growth.  


The Ayurveda principles and community that Jill Novak has created through her Year of You course has had a profoundly positive impact on my life and healing journey.  Jill’s coaching has helped me develop positive daily habits that have increased my energy, vitality, resilience and ability to assess what my body, mind and spirit need in order to thrive.  Before this course, I struggled with my health and took medications for rheumatoid arthritis which I was diagnosed with in 2016.  A year ago I was able to stop taking these medications completely.  A few weeks ago I was discharged from the Rheumatology Clinic by my rheumatologist who said I was in complete remission.  These positive shifts in my healing journey are as a result of “The Year of You” principles and community.  “May all beings be peaceful.  May all beings be well!” 


There wasn't one huge groundbreaking moment, rather it gave me permission to carve out time in my life for me.... to cultivate a million teensy changes that culminated into a more grounded and centred me... One who could show up in my own life and for my family better & calmer than before. As with anything, I could take what I liked and leave what I didn't... And Jill was great at understanding everyone's individual lives and choices are different and ok.  Also, the connection with the other participants was authentic and honest. I loved the support and encouragement.
